Friday, December 12, 2008

One of those rainy days...

It is really depressing today with the rain, sleet and slush. I now know how he feels; everyone needs a hug!

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Monday Night Powerplay III

The pressure is on. I am getting outside sources ensuring that the Monday Night Powerplay is good this week. Why go you ask? Maybe because unlike politicians, I work for the little guy (insert studio audience saying "Awww"). Let's get started

1. BCS = Big Crazy Sh*t! So apparently the Liberal party have found a way to screw up American College football. Well, not really. Everyone is blaming them for everything so I thought I would jump on board. The BCS came out with their yearly list of schools who can pay the most money... I mean... top schools for college Bowl games.

For those who are not familiar, let me set the scene: Imagine your parents sit around the kitchen table each year and decide which ten of your friends you are going to hang out with. These ten friends are the richest, the sexiest (which isn't a problem, really), and the most irritating, self-serving people you have ever met. Now imagine that you have to sit their and watch them perform all of their wonderous talents while listen to cliches about how this guy is going far someday. You have just experienced Bowl Season for college football fans.

How the hell is Ohio State there? Last time I checked, they had about as much chance of being successful as O.J. Teams like Boise State, Georgia, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, and Oregon State should be showcasing their national talents. Who wants to watch Cincinnati get their shit pushed in? I know I don't! Give me Boise State and Texas Tech in a game that breaks the scoreboard (and some white football athlete meter).

2. Oh yeah, that thing - What is hairy, smelly, incompetent, and completely broke? The Republican Party. And right now, they are the only thing less popular than Stephane Dion. He has screwed the Liberal party harder than a two cent whor....... I think you get my drift.

Word has come out over the past couple of days that Dion will step down this Wednesday and that Michael Ignatieff will take over as party leader. Yay! We go from the incompetent to the ignorant! Actually, I shouldn't be that hard on Iggy. I mean look, the Iraq war would have been better if Canada were there right? Right?!?

The Liberal Party are in a massive hole. The only thing that is uniting the country is the continued dislike of Stephen Harper. If Harper were to resign and a semi-popular, slightly creepy Leader were to take over, the Liberals would be screwed. If someone like Jean Charest were to take over, the Liberals might not win an election for another decade.
3. My beef with the news - I can't do it anymore. I can't watch the news without seeing the political biases showing through. Damn you St. Thomas University! Damn you Political Science degree! Damn you independent thought! I went to school not to think but to be thought for. Give me my money back; give me my restitution! ...if you can't pick up on the sarcasm, I nominate you to replace the next corps on either CBC's At Issue panel or on CTV's Question Period.

I watch the news expecting to be challenged on my beliefs, to hear over biases, here them compared with one another, and select which most applies or doesn't apply to my society. I like discussion, debate, and freedom of though. The past two weeks have seen the "news" commentators agree more often than Donnie and Marie! The worst part, it is being presented in a way that is factual when the ideas being spoken are actually commentary. Andrew Coyne is so far up the asses of Federalists, he thinks he's Trudeau some days! I'm sorry but people either debate or report. Don't report your debate when no one can argue back!

4. The worst jerseys ever made - For those who read this blog on any type of regular basis, you know my love of hockey (Go Leafs). One of my other interests is jerseys. Ever since I was a kid I have adored seeing the different styles and variations on culture put into these sweaters. If you share this obsession, check this site out. I might love ugly jerseys, of all sports, even more! My favorite jersey of all time might just be the Nolan Ryan Houston Astros jersey!

As I already know my preferences on ugly jerseys, please give me some ideas. I need good suggestions for a poll of the Ugliest Jersey Ever! Here are the Criteria:
  • Must be from a Professional Association (No college)
  • Must have been worn more than one time
  • Must make you wish for the days of disco pants as a better party accessory
Otherwise, go nuts and send me suggestions!

5. Me in 20 years - I am more convinced than ever that I will end up like this guy in a couple of decades!

And with that, the puck is short of the net and off a little to the right (that's what she said) but the powerplay is still over.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Pros and Cons of a Coalition

I find it extremely interesting the reaction of Canadians over the past few days about the possibility of a Coalition Government. At first I was thrilled but then got a little worried because (and I hate to admit this) the Conservative PR machine kinda worked. The I talked myself out of the tree and am ready for the possible Liberal/NDP Coalition. Let's way the Cons first, then I will examine why this is actually a good thing.

  • Giving the Bloc Quebecois power over monetary decisions in the rest of Canada
  • Having a Pointless PM for four months
  • Not being able to elect the leader of the Coalition who will be in power for 1 year
  • The likes of Jacques Parizeau giving you his support

and now, the Pros:

  • A regime change within the Conservative Party, hopefully towards a more Progressive Conservative stance on numerous issues
  • An economic stimulus package which does not have a bias towards Western Canada (Yay regionalism!)
  • The fact that the best ideas we've had in Canada (see Universal Health Care) have been established in a Liberal minority regime supported by the NDP
  • The fact that the major economic advisors are people who can get us out of this mess: Paul Martin, Roy Romano, and Frank McKenna
  • A government that will compromise

Quite possibly the biggest fact coming out of this coalition is that this is precisely the type of event that would push people towards a Proportional Representation system. The Conservatives now see the inflated power that has been given to the BQ through the current parliamentary system. Could we actually see an electoral system for the 21st century coming along with our new economy?

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Monday Night Powerplay II

Welcome one and all to the second Monday Night Powerplay. The first one generated more interest than the opening weekend of Gigli in 2002. Well... at least it has less of a "suck factor". Let's get to it because there might be one or two things of importance.

1. Sweet Merciful Crap - The Amercians thought they had the most fascinating year in American Politics? Try having a President who was not actually elected! Canada could have a new PM next week in Stephane Dion. While I would personally welcome the move over that of Darth Harper, it is still absolutely shocking.

My take on the situation is simple: if the coalition work together for the betterment of the Canadian Public, they will be representing almost 65% of Canadians. They will be the governing group which has help the most public support in a long, LONG time. If this works, and that is still a big if, Canada might just be assured of a majority after the next Federal Election. If the Coalition fails miserably, the Conservatives could easily swoop in and pick up the pieces if they are sans Harper (see #2). If it succeeds, Canada could be looking at the resurgeance of the Liberal Party under Michael Ignatieff. I think most in the Liberal Party are ready to admit their mistake and once again become the great middle party in Canadian Politics.

2. You did what?!? - Stephen Harper did the unthinkable in Canadian Politics: he governed a Minority Government as though it was a dominant majority. This is quite possibly the biggest blunder in Canadian politics and could cost him his job as party leader. There is nothing the Conservative Party hates more than a politician's ego costing the party its power (see Kim Campbell in 1993). With other, younger politicians waiting in the wings, Harper could have just relegated himself to deputy secretary of his sons school board.

What gets me is the sheer stupidity of the moves that they tried to pull. Why would you try to pull campaign finance reform when you know you don't have the votes? Why would you try to silence one of the single largest employee blocks in the Federal Civil Service? Why would you let your arrogance get in the way? You can't help but wonder whether Paul Martin's campaign advertisements in 2006 were right: Stephen Harper is the Canadian version of George W. Bush. Could he be relegated to a legacy of incompetancy? I guess that depends on who comes next.

3. An Impressive Move - I can't believe this is the third story on the MNP but Brian Burke is now the General Manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs. As impressive as he has been in Anaheim, I am concerned for Nik Antropov. How will he survive in the new NHL? Oh wait, I don't care, we have freakin' Brian Burke!

I think what most people are intrigued by is Burke's 6 talented/6 rough forwards policy. The difficulty to find 6 strong talented forwards is apparent in the new NHL. Only teams like Detroit, Anaheim, Montreal, and Pittsburgh have been successful at this plan. Luckily, we just got Anaheim's GM!

4. Happy US Thanksgiving! -

5. My final thoughts on the new Coalition - Stephen Harper to economic policies will now be like Jean Chretien to golf balls, Brian Mulroney is to the Charlottetown Accord, and Pierre Trudeau is to the National Energy Policy combined! Enjoy a legacy of failure, Steve.

The slapshot off Stephen Harper's face straight into the net, this powerplay is over!