Thursday, November 27, 2008

10 things I have learned today...

1. Stress is the root of all evil and good at the same time.

2. Anyone who says that going to Green Village and taking photos is corny needs to go to Green Village and take photos on company time.

3. Explaining the word Ain't to newcomers is difficult when they don't know who Larry the Cable Guy is.

4. Three day old hummas does not like me.

5. People hold a grudge a lot longer then you think... especially when the basis of your friendship is making fun of each other.

6. Jack's Pizza is not good at 3:30 in the afternoon.

7. Shawn Graham should have used some of the provincial budget to get the pretentious out of his nose.

8. I rule at life 'cause my mom says so!

9. Why do I drink whisky?!?

10. If the Leafs continue the way they are playing, I'm out $25.

1 comment:

Garn said...

Yeah, $25 to this kid.