Sunday, November 23, 2008

In the beginning...

After I rushed to the computer, almost forgetting to set my fantasy football picks for the week, I realized that the time to start blogging had come. I have put off this day for a long time; partially because I don't care to learn new things and partially because sharing the same forum as the rest of the crazies just seemed weird. Now that I have officially become a crazy, the blog had to begin somewhere.

My life is politics and sports. I live and die by my political teams and my sports teams. Thanks to the Liberal Party of Canada and the Toronto Maple Leafs, the last time is was able to smile at both was a couple decades before my birth. The following are the terms that you will see throughout my blogging life (which if according to precedence of such things as eating healthy and success in competitive sports, shouldn't last long):

The David Tyree experience: It shouldn't exist, the guy shouldn't exist, and I choose to believe that the New England Patriots are still undefeated in the 2007-2008 NFL year. Being a Maple Leafs fan, being dillusional to certain events is in my nature. If you want concrete facts, go read Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin.... oh wait, I don't think Palin has a book yet. My bad.

A Vince Carter: Not being able to make something happen without knowing mom will approve.

The All-Webber team: A team of monumental screw-ups that should live in infamy for a very, very stupid decision. The team currently consists of:
  • George W. Bush
  • Stephane Dion
  • Patrick Stefan
  • DeShawn Jackson (purely because he cost me a week in the football pool by celebrating 3 cm too early)
  • Jean Van de Velde
  • Any person associated with the new Senators Jersey
These along with many Stephen Colbert quotes will be found in this blog. Now I am off to enjoy the afternoon of football and the Grey Cup.

On a side note for the next post, I just took Brady Quinn out of my pool and put in Matt Cassel against the 'Phins. I could be pulling another David Tyree Experience during my next post.

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